Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for food poisoning of tung oil 桐油食物中毒诊断标准及处理原则
Binders for paints and varnishes - raw tung oil - requirements and methods of test 油漆和清漆的粘合剂.原桐油.要求和试验方法
Binders for paints and varnishes - raw tung oil - requirements and methods of test iso 277 : 2002 涂料和清漆粘合剂.生桐油.要求和试验方法
Study on the slow release feature of total dissolved solid and phosphorus in tung oil - coated compound fertilizer 基于害虫声频域特征的储粮害虫种类鉴别研究
It can replace natural tung oil and flax oil lacked in market to produce alkyd or fatty acid ready mixed enamel 可代替市场紧缺的天然桐油和亚麻油,加工成各色醇酸调和瓷漆和脂酸调和瓷漆。
The basis of the biopin products : tung oil , linseed oil , beeswax , castor oil , vegetable wax , lemon , turpentine , dryer without lead or barium , mineral pigment , borax etc 产品成分主要有:桐油,亚麻油,蜂蜡,蓖麻油,加那巴蜡,柠檬,香脂松节油,不含铅和钡的干燥剂,矿物颜料,硼砂等。
The work was composed in five parts : ( 1 ) epoxy resin / org - mmt / diethylenetriamine ( deta ) , epoxy resin / org - mmt / imidazole ( mz ) and epoxy resin / org - mmt / tung oil anhydride ( toa ) nanocomposites were prepared by in situ intercalation polymerization 所研究的内容及其结论主要包括以下五个部分: ( 1 ) xrd测试表明环氧树脂进入了有机蒙脱土片层内,使蒙脱土层间距增大。
In the dissertation high - temperature corundum honeycombed ceramic regenerative body was prepared by an extrusion process , a - al2o3 minute powder as main raw material , clay , cmc etc as plasticizers , tung oil etc as lubricator . the plastic performance was tested on a plastic measure apparatus 以a - al _ 2o _ 3微粉料为主原料,采用粘土、羧甲基纤维素( cmc )等有机-无机复合增塑剂,加入桐油等作为润滑剂,采用挤出成型法制备刚玉质高温型蜂窝陶瓷蓄热体。
a yellow oil obtained from the seeds of the tung tree 同义词:Chinese wood oil,
Tung oil or China wood oil is a drying oil obtained by pressing the seed from the nut of the tung tree (Vernicia fordii). As a drying oil, tung oil hardens (dries) upon exposure to air.